Adopting a child is an exciting, yet often overwhelming journey. One of the critical steps in ensuring a smooth adoption process is securing an experienced and competent adoption attorney. This is where the dedicated team at Lighthouse Legal Services steps in. We simplify the adoption process, providing expert advice and compassionate support.
Initial Consultation
Home Study Support
Navigating Biological Parental Rights
Private adoption often involves direct arrangements between birth parents and adoptive parents. This type of adoption requires careful legal navigation to ensure all parties' rights are upheld and the adoption process is legally sound.
In an agency adoption, adoptive parents work with a licensed adoption agency. While these agencies handle much of the process, legal guidance is still critical to properly understand the paperwork involved and legal procedures that the agency might not cover. It is important to remember that while they may facilitate your adoption, they don’t represent you or your best interest.
Adopting a child from another country involves not only Texas domestic adoption laws but also international laws and regulations. Our team helps you navigate this complex process, ensuring you meet all legal requirements domestically and abroad.
The Stepparent adoption process varies from other types of adoption. It typically involves less scrutiny, but it does require the biological parent's consent or termination of their parental rights. We assist stepparents in understanding their rights and responsibilities during this process.